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What's Been Added??

New DLGs?

Added over 200 new HLGs/DLGs with updated wingspans, flying weights, Aspect Ratios, Areas, Designers, and Manufacturers. Additional information as listed for all planes.

2015-06-01: First Demo Website rollout
Over 550 Hand Launch or Discus Launched Gliders have been collected for the introduction of the Field Guide To Modeling to viewers. See a picture of each plane along with the specifications, 3-views and source information about the designer, manufacturer, supplier and much, much more. The Field Guide to Modeling staff are continually adding information to each model as it becomes available. Check us out.

New Articles Added:

Added prototype Artciles for DLGs, choosing DLGs, competition advice, and article update and writing suggestions. Articles are a work in progress. Viewers may find article on tip-launched freeflight gliders from the AMA very interesting.

2015-06-01: First Demo Website rollout
The Field Guide toModeling has collected references to many articles that are available all over the Internet. The Field Guide staff have also written many articles that new modelers will find very helpful. From choosing a model for your skills and needs, to how to configure a radio, trim a model, or find that elusive thermal, the Field Guide to Modeling has collected many old and new articles for the User to view. Old articles are often difficult to find and new articles are often repeats of previous information, but each article can give the User new insights to improving their building and flying skills. Check them out. Do you know of an article or link that is not referenced? Let us know and we'll add them to our reference for everyone.

Do you know what these words mean? Find out now in the Field Guide Glossary.

Everyone uses the acronyms DLG, SAL, and HLG in our flying, but do you know what TLA, XXX, or perhaps what YY mean or represent??
Check out the Field Guide to Modeling glossary of terms. Find out what ST represents, or perhaps what MGS is. Discover these terms and more.

Find out what the new airfoil looks like in our Airfoil section.

What are model designers using on their new designs? Are the airfoil proprietary or do you want to try a new airfoil on your own design? The Field Guide to Modeling has collected airfoils used on discus launched gliders, thermal gliders, freeflight models and many many more. Find out how the polars for these airfoils change characteristics based on their shapes and articulation.

New Idea? Want us to add it to Field Guide To Modeling? Send it to us.

The Field Guide to Modeling staff is always looking for new ideas or articles to reference. Want to contribute, check out our Write an Article page.

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