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My Profile:

Tab1: General Information

Note: We are not setting up a blog site, names will be used for communications.
Profile Logon:Label
First Name: We like to know your first name for display.
Last Name: (not required)
Email Address: Confirm Email Address:
Birth Year:
Years in Modeling:
AMA Member Number:
FAI Number:
What clubs(s) do you belong to? (choose all that apply):
Your club not listed, enter your clubs:
What was you first Model?

Tab2: Tell Us About Yourself

What areas of modeling do you like?(select all that apply)

Which areas do you actively participate in? (select all that apply)

Do you compete? Once/year; 2-5 times/year; more than 5?

How many times per year do you compete: Locally; Out-of-State; Out of State (more than 3 states away)

When traveling for contest, do you most often travel by air, car, about the same?

If we were to count the number of planes you have in the garage or on the shelf, how any would that be?
What websites do you visit most often?

Which distributors do you by from most often?

Tab3: Notice Preferences

Would you like to be notified of new additions to Field Guide To Modeling?

Which areas would you like to be informed about?
List Model Areas
Gliders: DLG/HLG; F3B; F3J; ALES; Slope; Dynamic Soaring; Scale; Sport; Flying Wings;

We would like to send you notices on your schedule, not every single day.
Do you want emails sent?
Frequency: daily, twice a week, once a week, every two weeks, monthly, don't send.

What types of items would you like to know about?>
new planes
new techniques
new advertising
new trimming techniques
new programs
New electronics
New Theory Articles
Sale Offers?
Coupon Offers?
Groupon Offers?

Tab4: Website Preferences

Find-A-Plane, Planes per page default:
Find an Article, Articles per Page default:
Find an Manual, Manuals per Page default:
Find an Article, Articles per Page default:


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